weekly - 2015 W11

trans© indywiki
gdoc experiment 2021 W28

= Week 11

Weekly Journal for 2015

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MindDrive DriveGraph Meta MindGraph MindGraph Schema

The Technium: The Paradoxical Nature of Technology

The Technium: The Landscape of Possible Intelligences

The Technium: Self-publishing Today

AI, or Alien Intelligence

Apple watch hypergraphic display


- previous : Week 10

- next : Week 12

- report : Status, Accomplishments

- plan : Tasks

- daily : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

: weight : start=15.48+0.06,46,43,41,58,68

= Status

Summarize current status and Plans

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I didn't finish on a success yesterday. But at least got to bed before midnight.

I've been torn between 3 possible directions.

1. Improve robustness of freebase to OrientDB mapping and automate crawling to get large data sets to OrientDB to evaluate performance and costs.

2. Mapping MindGraph schema to OrientDB so that I can create new databases automatically.

One for each user and dump all I have into OrientDB. This is getting critical as I have too many documents to manage by hand.

3. Complete RoundTrip.

1. is needed for work but this will remain a task for the rest of the month. Not this week.

2. is the most urgent. That's what I am working on. Created a new doc MindGraph Schema that is a subset of Meta MindGraph geared specifically to OrientDB. Once I get to dump a graph into OrientDB need to code up a way of traversing google drive folder hierarchy starting at All My MindGraph folder to dump all I have into OrientDB. This gives 80% of moh.io map functionality.

3. Will remain after I revised the SMART application.

I bumped into stuff on kk.org

Really good stuff relating to bootstrapping, meaning, I emergence, AI as Alien Intelligence.

Knows most of what Brian Cantwell Smith does but with bootstrapping and evolvability in its right full place.

KK proves you can find out a lot about swimming even without jumping in that I assumed.

Benjoe's comment on why he has given up: "not enough time left to build up international reputation” is well founded unless one can make one's ideas go viral.

This is where the lost decade between 1992 and 2002 is so painful. Not that I could do much differently. Even then I was biding time.

Another change of plan triggered by current work. Before I can revise the application need a complete draft of WikiNizer site including descriptions of MindGraph capabilities. Target end of business on Friday.

Plan for the week

Mo doc to OrientDB

Tue FreeBase robustness work review at work and plan

Wed Traverse Google Drive and dump all to OrientDB

Thu competition feature matrix

Fri site draft

Sat Sun SMART app revised

Will continue planning in

Week 11

- look back : Retrospective

= Retrospective

Look back at last Week

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= Accomplishment

Report accomplishments as they accrue

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= Plan

Very high level plan for the month:

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Week 10 

Week 11

Week 12 

Week 13

Week 14

- detail : Core workflow

= Core workflow

Client side is master. Google docs is persistent storage OrientDB holding graph structure

Digital Asset Management 

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: ref : http://www.aetopia.com/software/

- serendip : Aetopia

= Aetopia

Digital Asset Management software that's Designed to Deliver

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Aetopia DAM is a proven, mature platform consisting of a unique set of interlinked components that enable us to build customised Digital Asset management solutions.

We call these the core constructs.

= Monday

Daily notes for Monday



One for each user and dump all I have into OrientDB. This is getting critical as I have too many documents to manage by hand.

It is the most urgent. That's what I am working on. Created a new doc MindGraph Schema that is a subset of Meta MindGraph geared specifically to OrientDB. 

- tasks : MindGraph Schema, GDoc OrientDB, Parse Intent

= MindGraph Schema

Mapping MindGraph Schema to OrientDB so that I can create new databases automatically using mg_boot Module .


This here defines MindGraph Node and provides as properties the sql needed to create the appropriate schema

It also defines the interpretation that when invoked actually creates the Node class with all the required properties

Before no Node class defined


- compare : Graphs

= Graphs

Compare graph of meta schema in MindGraph to its near equivalent exported to OrientDb

The OrientDB version does not show the incoming links but the correspondence can be spotted as marked.


= GDoc OrientDB

Dump all I have into OrientDB using mg_boot Module . This is getting critical as I have too many documents to manage by hand. First just do it with one document.


= Parse Intent

Change semantic markdown to allow introduction of intents for Nodes.

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The syntax is as we had it before. Title for a node may contain  auto associative combination of keywords for intent followed by a colon and the usual keywords 

This will be parsed appropriately setting the nodes ‘it’ property for intent with the given keywords, then the ‘kw’ property with terms that follow the colon.

In the case if there is no intent specified leave intent and kw undefined

In generated HyperText context if the edge is unique use it. 

= Tuesday

Daily notes for

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FreeBase robustness work review at work and plan

= Wednesday

Daily notes for Wednesday

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Once I get to dump a graph into OrientDB need to code up a way of traversing google drive folder hierarchy starting at All My MindGraph folder to dump all I have into OrientDB. This gives 80% of moh.io map functionality.

Traverse Google Drive and dump all to OrientDB

- task : DriveGraph

= DriveGraph

Once I get to dump a graph into OrientDB need to code up a way of traversing google drive folder hierarchy starting at All My MindGraph folder to dump all I have into OrientDB. This gives 80% of moh.io map functionality.


= Thursday

Daily notes for Thursday

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Extend Meta Schema with classes supporting DriveGraph

GDoc, Folder

import folder structure

import all MindGraphs

Export all to OrientDB

competition feature matrix

pricing key capabilities

MindGraph, DriveGraph

= Friday

Daily notes for Friday

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Draft Site

= Saturday

Daily notes for Saturday


So Here is the first glimpse of

WikiNizer DriveGraph

Working out the meta model was the hard bit

Coding it was in one long sitting using google drive api.

Under 200 lines of code (on top of MindGraph)

Now we are talking.

Next step is to traverse this graph, load all the GraphDocs and dump it to OrientDB then we can get to organize for real.

Graph your Mind and your Drive with MindGraph and DriveGraph

DriveGraph can do all that moh.io can do plus GrapDocs that are themselves


Eat you heart out moh.io map. 

Mohiomap - Visualize Your Cloud

= Sunday

Daily notes for Sunday

Import all GraphDocs

Revise site